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WV Recovery Coach Academy Training

ID : 38260   
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Recovery/Life Coaches work with people to become the best versions of themselves by removing barriers and obstacles to change and empowering those people who are seeking support and resources to improve themselves. Recovery Coach I/Life Coach I focuses on providing individuals with the skills needed to guide and support anyone who would like to improve their life. Recovery Coach I/Life Coach I prepares participants by honing active listening, asking appropriate questions, and discovering ways to help the coaches manage their own issues and discover resources. 

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Describe the role of the Recovery/Life Coach and their functions
• List the components, core values, and guiding principles of recovery
• Explore social and emotional well-being
• Build skills to enhance relationships
• Describe the impact of stigma
• Explain the importance of active listening
• Apply motivational interviewing
• Explore many dimensions of change and coaching
• Discover attitudes about self-disclosure and sharing your story
• Explain Asset Based Community Development
• Describe the stages of change and their applications
• Increase awareness of culture, power, and privilege
• Explore trauma, ACE’s, and resiliency, including growth mindset
• Address ethical and boundary issues
• Experience goal setting and planning
• Describe advocacy and its importance
• Create SMART goals
• Practice newly acquired skills

Each student will receive the following from BRCTC with the completion of this course:
• Two third-party college credits from Blue Ridge Community and Technical College (1 additional third-party college credit from Blue Ridge CTC upon completion of internship)

The following will be issued by the course provider upon completion of the course:

• Recovery Coach I certificate
• Life Coach I certificate
• Naloxone training certificate
• Inclusion in a large, supportive network

**RCLC I is a prerequisite for the Advanced Medical Recovery Coach Academy Course**

For more information about upcoming classes, please contact Sheri Williams at or call 304-260-4380 ext. 2428

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Class Details

4 Session(s)
Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu


Guest Instructor  

CEUs : 3



Registration Closes On
Wednesday, December 31, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
3/10/2025 - 3/13/2025 Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM Martinsburg, Zoom  Map Guest Instructor