Career Advancement Education
To find your course you can type the course name in the search bar in the upper right hand corner or hover over the sub-title below and double click to see all of the courses in that sub-title.
Business Management Training
Career & Trade Training
Culinary Arts
Health Care Fields Training
IT and Computer Software
Personal Enrichment Courses
You may request Third Party College Credit the first night of class by completing a Third Party Registration Form and returning it to your instructor for processing. Students must attend 80% or more if required by the instructor of class time and complete 80% or more of the required assignments in order to be eligible for Third Party College Credit. Third Party College credit is posted the following semester from offering.
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The information offered on the College website represents the offerings, requirements and information listed in the current catalog, handbooks and any other printed/electronic material for general guidance. The College reserves the right to make changes to information listed on the website when it is determined by College Authorities to do so. Every effort has been made to ensure all information is accurate; however, errors may still exist. The material obtained from the College website is not intended to create a contract between the user and the College.
Users are directed to countercheck all information when reviewing the website. Students should meet regularly with Academic Advisors regarding catalog changes and to ensure all program requirements are being met. Individuals assume any risks associated with relying on information on the College website without checking with other credible sources, such as an Academic Advisor.
The College website provides links to sites of interest and use on the Internet. The College makes no warranties about the accuracy or currency of any information on its web site or sites that may be accessed from its services.
Material accessed through news links, external websites, bulletin boards, or unofficial web pages are not officially sponsored by the College therefore all liability is disclaimed for data, information, or opinions expressed in through these mediums.
Student testimonials, income statements, and examples on the College website are the results of real students. These testimonials are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her desire, commitment, dedication, and motivation to pursue academic and workforce opportunities. Testimonials are not intended to create a contract between a student and the College.